
Cruising provides a great opportunity to enjoy a variety of books. I now rate all the books I read on a scale as follows:

Below are my most recent book reviews. Books are now identified by type (fiction, non-fiction, etc) and are rated based on the following scale:

**** A terrific book which I greatly enjoyed and recommend

***   A good book of high value which I recommend

**     A good book that I found interesting and would recommend if you are interested in the topic or subject. Note that most fiction will receive this rating unless it is exceptional or awful

*      A book which I did not enjoy

Click on one of the below links for book reviews. I have added a Recommendations page which I will update periodically with some of my favorites.

Newest Reviews


4-Star Books

3-Star Books

2-Star Books

1-Star Books

Your feedback is always appreciated. Let me know if you have books to recommend or if you disagree with my ratings!

  1. #1 by Liz on January 30, 2012 - 5:23 pm

    Hey Leanne,
    what with moving countries and getting boys settled, employed, cars, registration I have not had a great deal of time to read but can honestly recommend 1 book.
    Dani’s story, true story, about a little girl who was badly neglected and the family who adopted her.
    Tear jerker with laughs.
    Am really just reading James Patterson old books because all books are in sea freight or we sold them before we left.
    Once I get to a library I’ll fill you in.
    take care Love Liz
    ps Matt is undertrained and not prepared but trying out for 3 events in the ACT State Championships on Friday this week and next. Do not expect him to qualify in any of them. The qualification would take him to Nationals in sydney. Jared starts training today under coach Ted who has been rehabbing Jared.


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